Financial Planning

Australia Still Punching Above Its Weight

Australia, take a bow. We are on the brink of overtaking the Netherlands’ record for the longest period without a recession and very close to pulling off an even greater feat. Not only have we survived the end of an extraordinary mining boom without going bust, but the economy is showing signs of renewed growth. [...]

2017-04-26T12:07:43+10:00April 26th, 2017|Financial Planning, Investment/Market|Comments Off on Australia Still Punching Above Its Weight

Give your retirement a superBOOST

One day, you’ll be enjoying your retirement – whether exploring foreign lands or drinking a latte closer to home. So now might be a good time to consider giving your superannuation an extra BOOST. Especially because the rules around how much you can contribute will change from 1 July 2017. Currently (before 30 June 2017): [...]

2017-04-20T16:11:04+10:00April 20th, 2017|Financial Planning, Investment/Market, Superannuation|Comments Off on Give your retirement a superBOOST

Smart saving for your household

Imagine always having spare income to add to your investment so that your money is constantly working harder for you? According to Simple Savings’ Jackie Gower, it’s not a pipe dream with these common-sense tips for cutting expenses.   Curtailing your spending is no easy feat, especially if you have a family. But there are [...]

2017-04-11T10:19:34+10:00April 11th, 2017|Financial Planning|Comments Off on Smart saving for your household

Developing a retirement savings plan

Some sensible strategies can help you make the most of your assets to enjoy a fulfilling retirement. Don’t leave it all to chance. Discover how to get started today to enjoy a rewarding tomorrow. How am I tracking to live the life I want in retirement? There is no magic figure that shows how much [...]

2017-03-29T15:56:14+10:00March 29th, 2017|Financial Planning, Superannuation|Comments Off on Developing a retirement savings plan

Future Proof Your Family

5 reasons to take your insurance more seriously As we move through life, find a partner, raise a family, and maybe start a business, the importance of insurance in a long term plan increases. That’s because insurance is all about providing a financial safety net that helps you to take care of yourself and those [...]

2017-02-15T09:22:41+10:00February 15th, 2017|Financial Planning, Insurance|Comments Off on Future Proof Your Family

HKS Market Update- Reporting Season

As we continue to see volatility and negative returns posted in most major global indices, we figured it is an opportune time to provide some insight (thanks to our partners at eQR securities) into the impending reporting season. It’s not uncommon to see heightened levels of volatility around reporting seasons, as investors scramble to digest [...]

2017-01-16T09:48:19+10:00February 10th, 2016|Financial Planning, Investment/Market|Comments Off on HKS Market Update- Reporting Season

Pay off your mortgage or top up your super?

Interest rates are at all time lows, so should you pay off your mortgage or top up your super? Low rates are making it easier for Australians to reduce personal debt. But is that the best strategy for you? It’s fair to say many of us have never been in a better position to whittle [...]

2017-01-16T09:48:21+10:00September 15th, 2015|Financial Planning, Superannuation|Comments Off on Pay off your mortgage or top up your super?

4 common myths about using an adviser

How to manage your finances is a deeply personal decision and many Australians want more information about the best way for them. But when it comes to seeking financial advice many of us don’t know what a financial adviser actually does and how and what they can help with. So let’s look at the most [...]

2017-01-16T09:48:24+10:00May 15th, 2015|Financial Planning|Comments Off on 4 common myths about using an adviser

Life insurance through the ages

Whoever said, ‘the more things change the more they stay the same’, was dead wrong when it comes to life insurance. While protection against adversity is always wise, your actual needs change as you move through different ages and stages of life. From when you take your first job and go out into the world, [...]

2017-01-16T09:48:25+10:00May 14th, 2013|Financial Planning, Insurance|1 Comment

Countdown to June 30

The countdown to the end of the financial year may not create the same excitement as the approach of New Year’s Eve, but it does have one saving grace. With a little bit of planning before June 30 you could end up with a welcome financial pick-me-up after the Christmas-New Year spending spree. The general [...]

2017-01-16T09:48:27+10:00July 31st, 2012|Financial Planning, Investment/Market, Superannuation|Comments Off on Countdown to June 30
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